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Designed new museum exhibit for client to install and coordinating Pop-Up Play experiences for educators to reach children who aren't able to visit the museum in person.









Case Study, Sponsored Project, Prototyping, Social Impact, User Testing, Systems Design, Product & Exhibit Design

Kidspace Children's Museum

To nurture the potential of all children through kid-driven experiences, inspiring them to become joyful, active learners.

Mission Statement:

Museum is located Pasadena, CA targeted for children ages 6 months - 12 years old

Stakeholder Needs

Unique Experiences

The exhibit currently available for ages 1-4 is standard and easily replicated, it does not align with the mission of the Kidspace Children's Museum

No Loose Parts

Finding a balance between open ended play and loose parts, which can often become missing over time without constant supervision

Teachable Moments

Parents are easily driven to engage in play when they can have new, unique teaching moments with their child

Cause & Effect 

Younger age groups are happily engaged repeating the same activity, older ages require more advanced, educational programming

In a world overly saturated with tech and sensory stimulation, how can we introduce a new experience that focuses on nature and open-ended, kid driven play? 

Ideation Process

Play Testing

Regular onsite visits for interviews to validate concepts with parents & children


a sensory play exhibit for children’s museums and their larger communities
SENS:ATION Exhibit installation
SENS:ATION Outreach at Public Library

Sensory Details

Sensory play is critical for young children to establish healthy neural pathways between sensory stimulation and non-threatening experiences.